Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tyrell Bay Carriacou

Azuli catamarans are FAST. I have been pretty smug about how fast Elephants Child is and we frequently leave other similar size boats in our wake but I was just blown away on the passage down to Tyrell bay by a smaller boat. A French built Azuli catamaran just whizzed past me, I was doing 7 knots and he must have been doing 10 or 12. Wow do they go fast.

I was boatbound yesterday as the weather was very squally

and I was concerned that there might be draggers in this tight and crowded anchorage but nobody moved. So today I was off ashore to find some lunch. I usually frequent the yacht club but they were shut up so went next door for the first time to the slipway . So named as it is next to the old slipway/marine railway. I believe it was used recently to build a boat on the carriage then launch it.

After lunch it was off to the mangroves to check the depth of the entrance channel. As my depth sounder has packed and the boat has to be hauled to install it's replacement I like to manually check the depth of any shallow passage that I might have to take. The mangroves here are a good hurricane hole.

The wrecks were still there but one at least had a good use being made of it. This pelican was using the mizzen to fish from, at least that is what it seemed to me to be doing as it made short flights almost plunges and returned to its perch.

I found this apt quote on a forum

"......beware, membership of the bluewater cruising tribe is for life and there will be the ever present knowledge that all you have to do to reach Narnia once more is steer for the wardrobe......"

Perhaps it explains the difficulty I had in recalling the day and the month when I checked in here. Lost in Narnia again.

And to finish with here is something you don't see much of in the Caribbean ICE DAMAGE.

The owner is repainting his steel boat after transiting the famed North West Passage. RESPECT!

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