Friday, January 16, 2015


After a day tucked up behind Frigate Island we sailed down to Tyrrel Bay Carriacou today. Jan was on the helm today.

We had a pretty good snorkel around the lee side of Frigate Island but the water does not have the stunning clarity of the Cays so the underwater pics are not quite as special.

I think the slug like thing with the reticulated markings sitting on the sea fan is a nudibranch.

We visited Sandy Island and came across something which seemed to be a cross between the Loch Ness monster and that Russian spider dog.

We all enjoyed getting our feet wet and Hope went a step further and swam back to the boat, maybe 200 meters.

What do you do when the charter company dinghy is too small, EASY PEASEY just tow someone behind.

We will be leaving tomorrow morning for Grenada. Should be a cracking sail.


  1. Looks like you are having a great time. Well done Hope for swimming back to the boat. It is hard to be sure from the photo but it looks like a nudibranch called a Flamingo tongue.

  2. Yup just looked it up. You are spot on. It's a Flamingo Tongue.

    Jan and Hope having a great time but not looking forward to the temps back home. 26 - 27 c air temp. 28 - 29 water temp. out here and it is forecast to be -14c in Scotland Brrrrrr.

    I am staying here.

  3. I think you have the right idea. Two multifuel burners will be fired up all day and we will still have the cental heating on for most of the day to keep the house warm. Today's weather makes living in the tropics seem very attractive. Keep your eyes out, I will be posting an album of Nudibranches at some point. I am rubbish at naming them unlike some of our friends
