Tired of the fleshpots of Jolley harbour and fed up of being bullied by that little finch in the restaurant we headed round the corner into Five Island Harbour and as always I am surprised by the small number of boats present. A mega sailboat anchored well out and couple of catamarans tucked into the smaller bays were the sum total. We headed into Hermitage bay and dropped the hook and surveyed the empty anchorage and the perfect beach, goody goody perfect peace I thought.
But it was too good to be true. A noisy little motorboat bustled into the bay unloaded a big inflatable buoy and bustled off to repeat the process at the other side of the mega sailboat. Soon a pack of sailboats rounded the point and raced towards us. Yup we had a ringside seat for the Sunday Joley Harbour races. It was real “RUN WHAT YOU BRUNG!” fleet. I liked this delicate little fellow that I suspect is an International Dragon but he was closely followed round by a cruising sailboat with their wind generator whistling away as they beat up to the mark.
Three races followed and we were right there on the spot. I was a little nervous at the mass start but everybody got away cleanly and there was no close encounter for Elephants Child.
ut by 4 pm it was all done and by 4.30pm the Mega Yacht left so other than a mast poking over the headland we were by ourselves in a bay that could hold a fleet of warships. Just Bliss.
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