Saturday, February 6, 2016

Salt Lake City again to satisfy my addiction to the white stuff

A long day three flights to get from Grenada to Salt Lake City was made even longer by an old lady in a wheel chair leaving a bag behind. Someone noticed it and a gun carrying armored young man arrived soon to be followed by a sniffer dog. Some one decided that the threat was credible and we were evacuated and even the plane got moved. We then missed our gate slot and takeoff slot. All very tiring.




Still got there got my hire car and got into my room. But the luggage workers were on a go slow. The first hire car had a faulty tire so got another [ currently on car four, more to come on this ] The night receptionist at Studio 6 was not to be found and if it were not for a young lady in her pajamas knowing her location I might have frozen to death.

3.30 am mountain time, 6.30 am Grenada time I had reason to be tired.

Still the white stuff was there and I "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings." John Muir.

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