Monday, June 20, 2016


Serendipity strikes

What are the chances of finding Fray Bentos Steak and Kidney puddings in a tiny shop on a small Caribbean island.

Nothing like a bit of comfort food after a day spent trying to spear lion fish, I must have missed 10 time. I used to be a deadeye dick when I was out before. Maybe it is using a prescription mask instead of contact lens and a plain mask.

The tiny shop whoich is set up as a deli has a piece of deli history, a manual slicing machine. Much to my surprise I found they had bought it new only a year or two ago.

After a good fast sail down from Carriacou to Grenada I turned the corner at Calivigny island to come home to my mooring in Clarks Court Bay. I was a little upset to see that we have a sunken ferry marring my my view. it has been rusting away for years and I guess something finally gave way.

What is it with cats and books.

There I am just dozing off with my open book on my chest as I wait for the morning cruisers net to start up on the VHF.

Up he hops and settles down on the book on my chest with no sense of my personal space.


The tenacity of plant life is scary at times. Look at the cactus growing out of the corrugated tin roof over the winch.

For anyone who has seen Vanishing Sail Alwyn Enoe was the last boat builder to use the slipway and it's railway truck to build and launch a boat.


Finding a parking space is just hellish. It is not all beer and skittles in this cruising life.

I will just wedge my nose in here and gun it.

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