We were entertained this morning by this two masted square rigger getting under way with the sun shining on tanbark sails and people busy on the yardarms, a sight that evoked the days of wooden ships and iron men from centuries past.
But it was time to stop lollyagging around and a snorkel on the wall south of the bay was next on the agenda. We dinked over and were soon in the crystal clear water. This spotted box fish posed nicely for me. I had seen a lionfish here last year and thought it was a common sighting but since learned that it was one of the first sightings of this invasive and damaging predator this far South, however there were none on display this time around.
At the going down of the day I had the opportunity to act as a quality control inspector on the Lords of the Sunset and as you can see their offering was of a high standard. No green flash but a long and changing offering. A score of 9.7 I think.
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